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Providing Informed Guidance in the Creation, Conservation and Distribution of Estates
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Maintaining Health and Resiliency: Moving into the Future Post-Pandemic

  • April 06, 2022
  • 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Butterfield Country Club | 2800 Midwest Road, Oak Brook


  • Guests may attend two meetings per lifetime, then must become a Member to participate further.

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Maintaining Health & Resiliency:
Moving into the Future Post-Pandemic

Dr. Diana Uchiyama
Lawyers' Assistance Program

  1.0 CLE General  credit approved; Professional Responsibility Credit pending
1.0 CFP CE approval pending

CPA CPE attendance certificates provided

Estate planning is an inherently challenging field requiring its members to zealously fight to overcome challenges for both their clients and themselves. The intense demands of the profession combined with the high rates of substances abuse and mental health issues confirmed by recent studies makes cultivating healthy skills for overcoming the challenges and stressors of our field a MUST. Participants in this program will learn what LAP is, why attorneys are a vulnerable population, the impact of the pandemic on the workforce and on people in general, how the science of resiliency is useful for attorneys, and how to cultivate resiliency to better “roll with the punches” in one’s professional and personal life especially given the current state of the world and the nation. 


Dr. Diana Uchiyama, JD, PsyD, CAADC
Executive Director

Dr. Diana Uchiyama joined LAP in 2018. Prior to joining LAP, she was the Administrator of Psychological Services for DuPage County where she oversaw a DASA licensed substance use treatment program, including a MISA program, and DHS Domestic Batterer Intervention Program for a court mandated population of clients. Dr. Uchiyama has also worked for the Kane County Diagnostic Center, as both a Staff Psychologist and Juvenile Drug Court Coordinator, and has an extensive background doing court ordered psychological, sanity, fitness, and sex offender evaluations and therapy. She has implemented numerous changes to court ordered programs both in Kane and DuPage County and is a certified trauma informed care trainer. Prior to obtaining her masters and doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Uchiyama was an Assistant Public Defender in Cook County working in various felony courtrooms at 26th and California. She obtained her law degree from Pepperdine University School of Law.

Please note: all registrations must be paid in advance. Cancellation with refund is available until 10:00 a.m. three business days in advance (Friday, April 1, 2022).  After deadline, you may request to transfer your registration to another individual by emailing 

DuPage County Estate Planning Council | 1018 W. Madison St., Ste. 9 | Chicago, IL 60607
Tel.  708.338.0760 |

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