Jeff is a Partner in FGMK’s Tax Practice He is a licensed CPA and attorney with more than 20 years of experience advising privately held businesses, including the owners, and high net worth families His industry experience includes professional services, real estate, transportation, and manufacturing and distribution.
Jeff has knowledge in all areas of taxation He has spent his career providing tax planning solutions to closely held business owners, including business and ownership succession planning He also has extensive experience providing tax and succession/estate planning advice to high net worth family groups and family office clients He advises them regarding individual taxation, federal and state estate tax planning, generation skipping transfer tax planning, trust structuring and administration, family limited partnership, and philanthropic planning. Jeff also has extensive experience with tax controversy matters, including audit and appeals representation before the Internal Revenue Service and state taxation authorities He has also advised on tax matters related to divorce cases as a retained expert and a court appointed expert.
Prior to joining FGMK in 2018 Jeff was a tax partner at BKD in Chicago where he worked with the firm’s business succession planning practice and family office practice Jeff started his career at Crowe and then went on to work at KPMG, including a rotation in their national tax office, where he specialized in the personal financial planning practice
• J.D., University of Louisville School of Law
• B.S., Business, Indiana University
• Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
• Licensed Attorney- Illinois & Indiana
• American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
• Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS), Estate & Gift Tax Committee (Former Chair), Ethics Committee